I blog on Brain-Based Learning, Metacognition, EdTech, and Social-Emotional Learning. I am the author of the Crush School Series of Books, which help students understand how their brains process information and learn. I also wrote The Power of Three: How to Simplify Your Life to Amplify Your Personal and Professional Success, but be warned that it's meant for adults who want to thrive and are comfortable with four letter words.

Pros and Cons of Phenomenon Based Learning

Phenomenon Based Learning Pros and Cons

There’s been a lot of hoopla about Phenomenon-Based Learning (PhenBL) in education recently. PhenBL is an innovative approach that uses phenomena (observable events that can be explained by science) as the starting point for learning. This phenomena-first approach aims to engage students in a more holistic manner. But how do we know it’s not just the new, soon-to-be-discarded and replaced fad; a buzzword?

This article helps educators and other stakeholders decide for themselves by exploring the pros and cons of PhenBL. Hopefully, such an examination can help you get started with Phenomenon-Based Learning or find the right reasons to dismiss it altogether.

Pro #1 : Authentic and Relevant Learning

Phenomenon-Based Learning leads to authentic and relevant learning experiences by connecting classroom content to real-world phenomena - events the students observe outside of the classroom. One of PhenBL’s objectives is to give students many opportunities to investigate and solve complex problems, enabling them to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are transferrable to other disciplines and applicable in their lives beyond the classroom.

Pro #2 : Interdisciplinary Approach

By focusing on phenomena students observe in their day-to-day lives, students engage with concepts from various subjects, which leads to connecting and integrating knowledge and understanding across different disciplines. Phenomena-Based Learning fosters a more holistic understanding of the world as students examine phenomena through multiple lenses and learn the interconnectedness of concepts and subjects.

Pro #3 : Increased Engagement and Motivation

PhenBL taps into students' natural curiosity and the want to understand their world. Phenomena capture students' interest. The desire to “solve” these phenomena motivates students to own their learning. This leads to a deeper understanding of concepts and promotes lifelong learning.

Pro #4 : Collaboration and Communication Skills

As the phenomena presented to students are supposed to pose complex problems, Phenomena-Based Learning encourages collaboration - teamwork, sharing of ideas and perspectives, and finding common solutions. This in turn prepares students for future personal and professional challenges that will require effective collaboration and communication skills.

Con #1: Curriculum Alignment and Time Constraints

Striking a balance between allowing sufficient time for in-depth investigation and ensuring coverage of required content requires careful curriculum alignment. Giving students adequate time for exploration of phenomena, meeting learning standard-dictated curriculum requirements, and balancing time constraints is difficult to say the least.

Con #2: Teacher Preparation and Training

Adopting a new approach requires teachers to adapt and, in some cases, change their instructional practices, design meaningful performance assessments, and provide appropriate guidance to their students. Teachers need time, proper training, and administrative support to effectively design and facilitate Phenomenon-Based Learning experiences. Additionally, and this is often overlooked, teachers need to be paid for the time spent on lesson design that falls outside of the regular work hours. It is unreasonable and disrespectful to ask teachers to simply donate more personal and family time.

Con #3: Assessment and Evaluation

Tests and quizzes may not accurately capture the depth of understanding and skills developed through PhenBL. Designing authentic assessments that align with the objectives of Phenomenon-Based Learning while maintaining fairness and rigor can be complex.

Con #4: Potential for Superficial Learning

Without the right guidance, students may focus more on the phenomenon itself rather than acquiring a deep understanding of the underlying concepts. Teachers need to be on a constant look-out to ensure that students are achieving conceptual mastery while investigating the phenomena-posed problems. This requires teachers to continually check on and guide students as they work.


Phenomenon-Based Learning offers a way to positively influence student learning and change the traditional way we teach science and other subjects to a more holistic approach.

PhenBL advantages include (1) authentic and relevant learning experiences, (2) interdisciplinary learning, (3) increased student engagement, and (4) improved critical thinking and collaboration skills.

PhenBL challenges involve (1) curriculum alignment, (2) teacher support, (3) assessment design, and (4) the threat of superficial learning.

School district officials and teachers should consider these pros and cons when deciding whether to implement Phenomenon-Based Learning to ensure the benefits outweigh the challenges and that appropriate plans and supports for successful implementation are put in place.

Did you find this post helpful? The next one will dive into Understanding and Using Phenomenon-Based Learning. Click HERE -> Teaching Tips, Resources, & Ideas Newsletter for more content like this.

Also, I created a few classroom posters on equity. They’re inexpensive and help me pay for this website and an occasional IPA. Check them out here.

Hi! I'm Oskar. I teach, write, and speak to make learning better.

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