I blog on Brain-Based Learning, Metacognition, EdTech, and Social-Emotional Learning. I am the author of the Crush School Series of Books, which help students understand how their brains process information and learn. I also wrote The Power of Three: How to Simplify Your Life to Amplify Your Personal and Professional Success, but be warned that it's meant for adults who want to thrive and are comfortable with four letter words.

Filtering by Category: Learning

8 Metacognitive Learning Strategies To Crush School With

By Oskar Cymerman | @focus2achieve | BAM! Radio Network & Teaching Channel Blogger


Today I'm embarking on a 3 Part Infographic Series that will look into 24 Metacognitive (Brain-based) Learning Strategies I discuss in my book "Crush School: Every Student's Guide To Killing It In The Classroom."

I realize that it is my first book and no one really knows who I am or if I even know what I'm talking about. These are valid concerns and should be addressed.

I hope to do so by presenting you with all of the methods I researched, learned about, and use in my classroom that led to writing of the book.

Today, I give you the first 8 Metacognitive Learning Strategies To Crush School With. Enjoy!

8 Metacognitive Learning Strategies To Crush School With

So there you are! These strategies really work, so please tell your students about them, teach them, and use them! You can right click on the infographic above and download it completely free to use however you please.

If you'd like some examples and descriptions designed for students specifically, check out Crush School on Amazon. You can read it for free with Kindle Unlimited, or purchase for $9.99.

While I describe the strategies in more detail in "Crush School," they remain "bite-sized" - short to consume and quick to digest. And, no side effects, I promise. 

Stay tuned for the next 8 strategies or SIGN UP for my NEWSLETTER and I'll drop them straight in your email inbox.

And I want you to always remember something when you look at the children around you:

You have the power to change the world. Use it often.

"Crush School" Book by Oskar Cymerman - $9.99 on Amazon

"Crush School" Book by Oskar Cymerman - $9.99 on Amazon

How To Crush School

By Oskar Cymerman | @focus2achieve | BAM! Radio Network & Teaching Channel Blogger

I was recently interviewed by Mindprint Learning about my new book "Crush School: Every Students' Guide To killing It In The Classroom." It's a book on helping students learn by using proven brain based strategies. In the interview, I answer a lot of questions about my motivations for the book, who I wrote it for, and why I believe it is important and unique.

If you are considering purchasing "Crush School" for yourself or someone else, many of your questions will be answered in the interview. It is available here --> How To "Crush School."

The book can be pre-ordered until this Sunday, July 24 at $7.49, which is 50% off regular price of $14.99 "Crush School" will be sold at when it is released as an e-book on July 28, 2016.

You have just 3 more days to order at half price. The book is full of humor, graphics, links and most importantly "crush school" strategies that benefit all learners. It contains the classroom and at home strategies I present in my infographics and many more. I promise you that you've never seen a book like "Crush School" before.

Wanna Learn Something? Teach It!

By Oskar Cymerman | @focus2achieve | BAm! Radio Network EdWords Blogger

“If you can teach it you really understand it.”

Think about it. Could you explain to a 5 year old what your favorite musical artist, sport, or hobby is all about? Sure you could. You’d be able to give a lot of information with all kinds of details. It’s because you studied it a lot. In a sense, you were preparing for that "presentation" for a long time.

But how about teaching something not yet so familiar? In my opinion, teachers do it all the time. Some concepts we find ourselves teaching might be buried deep in our memory, because we have not taught them for a long time. In some situations though, we are asked to teach something we have not before and have limited knowledge of. We might be uncomfortable at first. We might be nervous about it and we do it. And, in most cases, we do it well.

It's because of our preparation process! We have it down to a tee, so when the time comes to present something new to our students we are ready. The teacher prep process allows us tolearn the information relatively quickly and when we teach it we master it.

What if we taught our students the process? What if we asked them to teach?

I recently interviewed a High School teacher in Woodbury, MN who uses the process. Check it out.

Wanna Learn Something? Teach It!

MESSAGE TO TEACHERS: While time constraints might not allow you to have students teach each other in the way presented above all the time, try to incorporate several such activities per semester. They would be the bigger projects, could be collaborative, are a lot of fun, and really supercharge student learning. And isn't this what this shindig is all about?

Thanks for your time! I hope you find the infographic above useful. Please share it with other teachers, students, and parents. I will feature more Brain-Based Learning teaching tools, metacognitive strategies, and posts on social-emotional learning in my future newsletters, so please SIGN UP if you would like to receive tips that help students become better learners and you're looking to add more weapons of mass creation to your teaching arsenal :)

If you find the information in the infographic useful, consider buying "Crush School: Every Student's Guide To Killing It In The Classroom", which is a book I wrote to help students learn more efficiently and effectively using proven research based strategies.

You Have the Power to Change the World. Use it Often.

Cornell Notes on Steroids Notebook Bundle of 3

The Cornell Notes on Steroids Notebook is a 8.5"x11" 120-page academic notebook that contains an organizational method that improves on the Cornell Note-Taking System. BUNDLE & SAVE.

2024 Crush School