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The Anatomy Of Grit: Preach It, Pitch It, And Teach It

By Oskar Cymerman | @focus2achieve | BAM! Radio Network & Teaching Channel Blogger


New buzzword in education for sure.

What is grit exactly?

Is it a legit thing or just a new fad?

Can it help me? Can it help others?

And, can it be taught? Developed? Practiced?

Let's find out!

Too many students give up too quickly, before giving themselves a chance to be successful at learning a tough concept. Grit can help. It's a skill that helps in acquiring other skills. Let's teach it in school. Feel free to use the infographic above. Or you can get a high resolution version here for $0.99.

Thanks for looking and remember:

You have the power to change the world. Use it often.
