I blog on Brain-Based Learning, Metacognition, EdTech, and Social-Emotional Learning. I am the author of the Crush School Series of Books, which help students understand how their brains process information and learn. I also wrote The Power of Three: How to Simplify Your Life to Amplify Your Personal and Professional Success, but be warned that it's meant for adults who want to thrive and are comfortable with four letter words.

 What’s Crush School About?

I started writing and created Crush School shortly after my son’s birth.

Since 2015, writing has became a way for me to slow down my thinking and reflect on the events happening in my personal and professional life.

I reflect on failures and successes in my life as a father and a teacher. I write articles about life, teaching, and learning, how these things intersect, and how I find them helpful and challenging.

I write about:

  1. Teaching and Learning Strategies.

  2. General Science: NGSS, 3D Learning, and Phenomena-Based Learning.

  3. Earth and Space Science.

  4. Chemistry.

  5. Engineering.

In my posts, I explain the what, the why, and the how of various experiences and strategies, and usually give resources teachers can use in their courses. Some are free and some live in my shop. I hope they help.


The author’s style reminds me of Malcolm Gladwell in that he combines a little science, a little wit and lot of his own brilliant mind to create a book that turns the seemingly obvious, but surprisingly difficult into the totally understandable.
— Kelly, a CEO
Speaks right to teens. Thank you for saying everything I’ve been trying to tell my son in a language he understands! Easy to read and understand. Short and to the point. Great for the short attention span of teens.
— Christine D. Israel, a parent and teacher

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I’m a teacher you see... I am whoever I want to be  Whatever I need to be Whenever I chose to be

I’m the facilitator Often, the content creator Always the learning moderator At times, a color commentator

I’m Pablo Picasso, multimedia creator And Albert Einstein, the mind agitator I am Marco Polo, the navigator And Charlie Darwin, the perpetrator

I am Sigmund Freud, the analyst And Ludwig von B., the catalyst I’m Mahatma Gandhi, the pacifist And Friedrich Nietzsche, the nihilist

Sometimes, I’m like my students…. The ultimate procrastinator Distracted smartphone manipulator Too cool for school operator

I forget stuff Sometimes, I’m late I don’t sleep enough Some days are rough

But I’m the keeper of the gate I learn... and I educate I’m a teacher you see…Whatever can be, will be This I promise thee They can try, but can’t stop me

My mission? Be human Be me Set minds free

2024 Crush School